2022 Advertising To Sales Ratios by Industry Sector


Industry Sector

Ad to Sales
Ratio %

Ad Growth %

Sales Growth %

Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing 0.69 48.50 14.36
Mining, Extraction 0.06 -18.42 -11.53
Construction 0.30 25.87 19.60
Manufacturing 2.20  9.44 32.38
Transportation, Communications, Utilities 3.66 11.82 15.21
Wholesale Trade 1.19 34.13 13.88
Retail Trade 2.48 14.33  6.08
Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 2.52 -3.01  3.85
Services 4.37 17.45 15.53
All sectors combined 2.72 11.47 16.46
  Advertising Ratios & Budgets is the source for the above data. This detailed report covers over 2,500 companies and 320 industries with fiscal 2021 and 2022 advertising budgets  and revenue, 2022 ad-to-sales ratio and ad-to-profit ratio, as well as 2022 and 2021 annual growth rates in ad spending and sales. Use it to track competition, win new ad agency clients, set and justify ad budgets, sell space and time or plan new media ventures and new products. Includes industry and advertiser ad spending rankings and data on over 350 non-U.S. headquartered companies.  Bought by major advertising agencies, media companies, advertisers and libraries. Published May 2023.